Thursday, September 10, 2009

This Isn't What We Had in Mind When We Chanted the Words, "Yes We Can"

It's really too bad that many of the people who are elected into congress are people who clearly lack and most important qualities that a political leader should possess. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue; it's an issue about respect. Never once, during George W. Bush's reign of stupidity and mistakes, did a member of congress heckle our nation's President during a speech. Last night, when President Obama tried speaking to both sides of congress, it became clear that some members of congress simply shouldn't be. Yelling out that the President is a liar and wearing signs of protest around their person is not a way for a government leader to behave on Capitol Hill. These men belong out on the streets with the rest of the protesters. This overt disrespect shown to the President bastardizes our entire system of government, and should result in whatever the D.C. equivalent is of a black list.

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